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EnCalcLU 3.5

EnCalcLU EnCalcLU 3.5

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EnCalcLU Publisher's Description

EnCalcLU calculates the cost of water use, allowing both the real cost based on meter readings and forward prediction based on the readings and elapsed time to be calculated. EnCalcLU is ideal for checking and predicting water bills. The results can be saved to a log file for later analysis. The program can cope with both water and sewage volume charges, varying tax rates plus fixed charges and discounts enabling most charging models to be handled. EnCalcLU is part of the JSutils group of software utilities which have a theme of energy conservation. Requires a registration code (free for personal non commercial use).

What's New in Version 3.5 of EnCalcLU

Fixed a bug where date 1 plus prediction period could be less than date 2. Minor corrections to tool tips and error messages. Default costs updated. Web site links updated following change to web site. Configuration file format corrected. Images in help optimised.

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